Read the Bible
and Answer Questions
Apply it to Your Life
Complete Fun Activities

Help kids learn about events that took place before and during Christ's death and resurrection by utilizing this engaging study guide at home, in a small group, or at church.
This book is divided into 11 sections, consisting of 6 pages each. Depending on your group size and timeframe, each section can be completed in one sitting or class, if desired. Materials required include a pencil, Bible, and crayons or colored pencils.
Each section includes activity pages such as mazes, anagrams, word search
crosswords, codes, find the difference, finish the picture, coloring, drawing, and more! Answers to the activities are provided in the back
of the book.
11 sections
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey
Judas agrees to betray Jesus and Jesus celebrates Passover
Jesus predicts that Peter will deny Him
Jesus says He is leaving but is sending a Helper
Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus is arrested and faces the Sanhedrin
Peter denies Jesus
Judas dies and Jesus faces Pontius Pilate
Jesus dies on a cross
A soldier pierces Jesus' side and Jesus is buried in Joseph's tomb
Jesus rises from the dead
Section Activities
In each section, kids will complete the following activities:
Start each section by reading the Bible (using the provided reading plan).
Answer 3-4 multiple choice questions about what they read.
Read and answer a question about applying what they read to their own life.
Draw a picture using the prompt.
Complete two activities (mazes, anagrams, word searches, codes, finish the picture, find the differences, and more).
Read a short wrap-up for the section.