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60-Day Bible Journal for Girls

Enjoy a simple, effective, and easy-to-use bible journal that includes:

  • 60 bible journal pages

  • 60 bullet journal pages

  • 50 memory verses


This 128-page journal uses the VIP method for bible journaling, which is a great tool to help kids of all ages read, study, and apply God's Word. VIP = Verse, Importance, Prayer


  1. Read the Bible.

  2. Write down a verse that stood out to you.

  3. Write why it's important.

  4. Write a short prayer. 


A bullet journal page is included for each entry and serves as an additional resource to write extra notes, practice memory verses, doodle, make lists, set goals, and so much more.

60-Day Bible Journal for Boys

Enjoy a simple, effective, and easy-to-use bible journal that includes:

  • 60 bible journal pages

  • 60 bullet journal pages

  • 50 memory verses


This 128-page journal uses the VIP method for bible journaling, which is a great tool to help kids of all ages read, study, and apply God's Word. VIP = Verse, Importance, Prayer


  1. Read the Bible.

  2. Write down a verse that stood out to you.

  3. Write why it's important.

  4. Write a short prayer. 


A bullet journal page is included for each entry and serves as an additional resource to write extra notes, practice memory verses, doodle, make lists, set goals, and so much more.

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Along the Way

A Mentoring Bible Journal for Kids and Adults

This journal is meant for two people to share – maybe a parent and child, a grandparent and grandchild, or a teacher and student. Both writers should follow the same bible reading plan. You can follow the reading plan provided in this journal or use your own.  Each person will privately read the same part of the bible on the same day.


After reading, it’s time to journal. One person will always write on the pages to the left of this journal, and the other person will always write on the pages to the right. After one person writes on their designated side, they should give the journal to the other person so they can write on the opposite side. The reading and journaling are completed in private. However, when journaling is done for the day, it’s encouraged to read what the other person wrote and then discuss it together. This will help gain new perspectives, receive encouragement, and study God’s Word together.

Along the Way includes five volumes. Each volume includes:

  • A bible reading plan with a checklist for each person. Each volume includes a different plan. (The reading plan is kid friendly and, therefore, some chapters have not been included in the plan.)

  • A side-by-side journal layout that is perfect for two people. The S.I.T. method is used in this journal. (S=Scripture, I=Importance, T=Thanksgiving)

  • 10-12 "Write a Letter" pages (5-6 per person) which provide an opportunity to write a letter to the other journaler about every ten days of journaling.

  • A resource that helps you disciple your children, study the Bible with your family, and strengthen your relationship with the Lord.

  • A keepsake that you can cherish for years to come!

Vol. 1 Reading Plan:





Vol. 2 Reading Plan:




1 and 2 Samuel

1 and 2 Kings

Vol. 3 Reading Plan:








Vol. 4 Reading Plan:






Vol. 5 Reading Plan:


1 & 2 Corinthians





1 & 2 Thessalonians

1 & 2 Timothy




1 & 2 Peter

1, 2 & 3 John



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